Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The (Real) History of (Real) Music

I was checking out the charts yesterday and came across this song, Slumber Party.

While we politick endlessly, wage total war against an unseen virus, fight global warming  – we might be in risk of permanently losing our way musically. 

To those going “But that’s only one song!”  let me assure you rest of the songs on the Billboard Top 100 were equally dreadful. I couldn’t cut and paste anymore links without needing therapy.

We all know the greatest trick the Devil pulled. After using a more direct approach to influence and corrupt youth of the 70’s/80’s thru the shock effects of bands like Black Sabbath,  AC/DC, Slayer, Alice Cooper, it appears Satan has now rebranded 180. Smart. Using gender fluid threesome loving contortionist lesbians (80% of you are scrambling to click the link above only now I guess) is a more definite way to get to the attention of today’s Wokey adolescent whiners. 

The visual evolution of Satanic music - 1981 (Left) . 2021 (Right). This is the new greatest trick the Devil ever pulled.

As a great band once said, If You Tolerate This, Then Your Children Will Be Next.

So, I felt it necessary to go on record using a series of short notes in the coming weeks and put it out there explaining to all who will listen how the real History of Real Music took its course, from its un-humble beginnings in the 60’s to its end sometime in the mid-90’s. Hopefully we’ll see why it is important to remember so those who DO understand (the) history (of music) are doomed to (put the songs from that glorious era on) repeat (rather happily because we loved) it.

But first, we need to get this out of the way - I ask you to come to terms with the notion that every great song and every great melody has already been written.   

That's it.

Once you’ve overcome the depression around that thought, then the good news. The Ancients (aka the great bands that existed before 1996) left us with are enough great material to last us a life time. There’s enough time for you to even develop Alzheimer’s if you tried to go thru them all on Spotify, if you aspire such things.

The Bible of Rock, which captures the real History of Real Music, has many great chapters, psalms, passages, prophets – the book of Soundgarden and Stone Temple Pilots are some of the most meaningful masterpieces gifted to us by the Ancients. The Bible of Rock has around 500 prophets starting with Jimi Hendrix, who showed us that the guitar is mightier than the sword, and mightiest when set on fire. The line of prophets culminated around when Kurt Cobain came, as one of the final messengers, who then gave his life so we may all be saved from the  glam-rock-hairspray-mascara -endless-lead-guitar-solos travesty of the 80’s. 

One of the first of the Prophets.
If anyone feels this picture needs further elaboration - they need to die.


The Rock Bible consists of many smaller books and passages (pictured above) which we will slowly unravel, is filled with many joyful and existential messaging.

With that I’ll catch you all next week with the first of the series – The (Real) History of (Real) Music. 

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